We showcase the latest and greatest talent from emerging artists all around the world.


Calling all artists, put your music video links in the comments, no gimmicks just straight up support. Give permission to air it then subscribe to our YouTube channel. It’s that simple 🤝


We showcase the latest and greatest talent from emerging artists all around the world. Our channel is dedicated to supporting the independent music scene and providing a platform for talented musicians to shine.


We are dedicated to supporting the independent music scene and need your help to keep it going. Show your support by donating via Cashapp ($khlissbbrown) or PayPal (https://paypal.me/tommythompson315) and help us bring you the best in independent music from all over the world.

Get to know our team here at The Underdogs Network and follow us on our social media sites by clicking the links below. This is from the ground up. Join the movement now.

Charlee Khliss Brown

CEO, Prsident of operations

Born in St. Louis, MO our CEO and President of Operations, Charlee Khliss Brown is an American Rapper, Producer, Nurse, Activist and Family man with a vision and were with all to create a movement to lead our company to the future and beyond. Follow our CEO on all his social media sites now.


Musical Mistress

The Co-host of The Underdogs Music Video Show. Maggie is a take no prisoners rising star on The Underdogs Music Video Show.

Get in Touch

Outlivin Music Group

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Give us a ring

Khliss Brown +1 315 863-4892 Mon – Fri, 0800-2100



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